Pricing: £20.00 per test (inclusive of tax, certification included free of charge)
Turnaround time: 7 business days.
Results: Phoned, faxed or e-mailed. Testing certificate dispatched after conclusion of test.
We can test the DNA of any horse to determine the likelihood it will pass any of the following coat patterns to its foals:
Tobiano is the gene responsible for the white markings seen on the classic 'coloured' horse. Tobiano specimens are widely referred to as:
- Piebald
- Skewbald
- Tricoloured
DNA testing for Tobiano determines the likelihood that a coloured horse will pass the gene to its offspring. Results are expressed in percentages, if a horse is Tobiano 'homozygous', he or she will pass the Tobiano gene to 100% of offspring, therefore can only produce 'coloured' foals - regardless of the mate they are bred with.
Sabino is a white-spotting pattern seen across a range of breeds and horse types. The presence of the Sabino gene has varied effects, from minimal white markings to maximal 'Blagdon' white coverage. The Sabino-1 test targets the most common Sabino type, and provides insight into the likelihood a horse will pass Sabino to its foals.
Frame Overo/Lethal White Overo Syndrome
Frame Overo is the dominant gene responsible for the overo coat pattern, and for the associated lethal white foal condition. The gene is rarer in the United Kingdom than Tobiano, and exists primarily in breeds of American origin. The white markings caused by frame overo are more minimal than that of Tobiano, DNA testing exists to confirm its presence the gene frame overo also causes the fatal 'lethal white overo syndrome' whereby a horse inherits the pattern from parents, causing the fatal condition in the newborn foal.